DEXA Toronto Scan Results

by | Nov 17, 2022 | Fitness Goals

My final DEXA Toronto scan results are in for this year! This is my 3rd scan this year and the comparison shows my progress so far. At the beginning of the year the big goal was to improve my visceral fat to limb fat ratio, which I did by not drinking alcohol for 5 months. Then summer came and patio season began, lol.

The next challenge was to go keto and drop alcohol again. I did maintain the ketogenic diet for about 8-9 weeks from Labour Day to mid October, despite an attack of IBS. Alcohol was abandoned from Sept 4, however I failed around Nov 3rd…totally admit it. Despite that, my visceral to limb fat still got a bit better….

Total Body Fat Analysis

Visceral Fat to Limb Fat Ratio

Overall, I dropped 1.6% body fat and put on 1lb of muscle. I’m very happy. What did I do differently since May? I’ve been kickboxing very regularly and started lifting heavy weights with the Hulk at the gym…which I don’t normally do. My bone density also improved again, small increments but hey…it’s bone.

Bone Density

I will continue to do what I’m doing and yes, I’ll still lift heavy on occasion. I’m planning on doing another scan in June (my January cohort will be following up with their scans by then so we’ll all go together I hope!!). My goal for the next scan is to go from a 21% body fat to under 20%. Around 19% would be amazing.  I am not doing any other major ‘challenges’, but will continue eating real, unprocessed food. My carbs come only from veggies and fruit! 

Why do I keep measuring? Well, I’m a bit of a geek sometimes and it seems cool to see the numerical progress. Notice I don’t care about the weight so much in these scans (not to say I don’t look at it, or that I’d be a bit bummed if it shot up a lot though), I’m focusing on healthy body composition…and that pesky visceral fat!

I also keep doing this in hopes that I might motivate some of the wonderful people I work with to keep at it! 

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