Five Minute Mayonnaise

by | Nov 17, 2022 | Recipes & Meal Plans

Five Minute Mayonnaise

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 TBSP Mustard
  • 500 ml Avocado Oil

Quickly whip together the eggs, mustard and vinegar. Then, slowly pour in the avocado oil until it’s all in (takes me about 3-4 min). The mixture should then be white and fluffy.

When that’s in, add about 2 tsp of salt then blend quickly again. At this point you can add different herbs and spices to make different flavours or dips.

In the past I’ve added chopped sun-dried tomatoes, pesto, and garlic. Feel free to experiment with your mayonnaise, or just keep it plain if you like it that way. If you’re more of a Miracle Whip person and prefer very tangy mayo, try increasing the amount of mustard and apple cider vinegar. Don’t use too much liquid though or the mayo may not fluff up.

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