Metabolic Balance Journey Begins!

by | Nov 17, 2022 | Fitness Goals

Embarking on a new journey! This is just one of the announcements that PPT is sitting on this week.  

Nutrition is key to any health and wellness endeavour. Whether it’s weight loss, athletic performance or recovering from illness, what we eat plays such an important role. For years I have always promoted eating real, clean unprocessed foods, and now I’m taking it several steps further. I have teamed up with Shana Daniels at Wellnessessity Inc and Eyal Fishman, Lifestyle and Wellness Coach, to start on the Metabolic Balance program. 

This program starts with a look at your blood chemistry, identifies amino acid deficiencies, as well as a several other markers, and recommends foods based on balancing whatever is out of whack. 

We literally are what we eat, so if we’re not eating enough of something our bodies need to function optimally, we’re missing out. Those of you who know me know I love measuring where I’m at and trying to get better, which is why I do the DEXA scans. DEXA’s motto is “What gets measured, gets managed” or something close to that. Well, I think that applies here. 

My blood has been taken, analyzed and my individual plan created based on the results. This is going to be a bit of an adjustment, simply because as many of you know, I have no meal prep time! I have been spoiled with On the Run Meals for a while now, so I haven’t prepped anything for myself in ages. So, armed with my meal plan I set out last night to measure and create a week’s worth of meals based according to my plan. 

What I love about this plan so far, other than satisfying the nerd in me with the measurements, is that it is based entirely on eating REAL FOOD. No trying to sell me supplements or shakes or other products. I’ve always believed real health comes from real food. There are no magic pills. For the next three months, I will be adhering to the 3 different phases of the plan and eating the recommended proteins, and vegetables. I’ll be tracking my progress and sharing my experiences with you guys through this blog and on social media. 

I’m excited to see what’s going to happen! 

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